WGSS Weekly Digest

Two people smiling on a stage with a gold seal in the background

Be sure to keep up to date with our news digests that feature WGSS event announcements, community accomplishments, WGSS-related courses that you can take over the summer and fall, internship opportunities, and more! 

Prime Minister Harini Amarasuriya at her office.

WGSS News Digest 301: The Sri Lanken Women and their Democratic Revival Edition

We highlight upcoming events and the ongoing movement for women in Sri Lanka.

Carol Downer

WGSS News Digest 300: The Carol Downer Edition

In this news digest, we highlight faculty accomplishments, a recent student-led event, and remember Carol Downer, a feminist in the women’s health movement.

Photo of President Biden and CEO Anna Laymon

WGSS News Digest 299: The First Women's Monument Edition

In this news digest, we welcome back the WGSS community to campus and offer well wishes for Spring 2025!

Collage of book covers

WGSS News Digest 298: The Reads of 2024 Edition

In this news digest, we share top reads of 2024!

"stop killing women" written on the arms of a mural

WGSS News Digest 297: The End Gender Apartheid Edition

In this news digest, we share accomplishments of our faculty and student community and a recap of our event on Ukrainian feminism.

Headshot of Vice President Harris

WGSS News Digest 296: The Race and Gender Edition

In this news digest, we bring to our readers' attention the role of race and gender in elections.

Quote from UN on how war affects women and girls with a line of them to the right

WGSS News Digest 295: The Human Rights in the Face of War Edition

In this digest, we are excited to highlight faculty accomplishments and share how summaries of recent WGSS events.

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WGSS News Digest 294: The New Feminism Edition

In this news digest, we share about an upcoming student-led event and to highlight what's being called a "New Feminism."

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WGSS News Digest 293: The Treatment Gap for Women Edition

Read all about what our WGSS faculty are up to and upcoming WGSS events!

Book cover of A Serious Proposal to the Ladies

WGSS News Digest 292: The Violence Against Women Act Edition

In this digest, we highlight faculty accomplishments, upcoming events, and research opportunities.