Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minors

The WGSS Program offers two tracks of study for the minor, and there are a variety of electives to choose from including Queer Politics, Philosophy of Race and Gender and Global Postcolonial Literature and Film.

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Explore the WGSS Minors



A close-up of a smiling woman student speaking in class

WGSS Minor

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies minor focuses on the foundational ideas behind feminist theory and gender politics, incorporating electives in literature, political science and philosophy.

WGSS Minor Requirements


Nikki Lane gave a talk to WGSS students and faculty members

LGBT and Sexuality Studies Minor

The LGBT and sexuality studies minor encourages students to consider key social and academic issues through the lens of LGBT and sexuality theory and applied research.

LGBT Minor Requirements



"WGSS invited me to engage in nuanced conversations about women, gender, and sexuality. The coursework shined a light on stories surrounding gender and sex that I plan to share with my double major in journalism."

Halley Brown
BA '19

WGSS Minor Course Requirements

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies minor focuses on the foundational ideas behind feminist theory, gender politics and literature.

The following requirements must be fulfilled: 18 credits, including 6 credits in required courses and 12 credits in elective courses. 

WGSS 2120Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
or WGSS 2120W Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 2125Varieties of Feminist Theory
or AMST 2125 Varieties of Feminist Theory
Four additional courses (12 credits), which may include WGSS courses, any of the courses listed below, or courses approved by an advisor. At least three courses (9 credits) must be at the 2000-level or above.
AMST 3352WU.S. Women's History to 1865
ENGL 2710Postcolonialism, Race, and Gender in Global Anglophone Literature and Film
or ENGL 2710W Postcolonialism, Race, and Gender in Global Anglophone Literature and Film
ENGL 3560American Realism
or ENGL 3560W American Realism
ENGL 3730Topics in Global Postcolonial Literature and Film
or ENGL 3730W Topics in Global Postcolonial Literature and Film
ENGL 3840Gender and Literature
or ENGL 3840W Gender and Literature
ENGL 3980Queer Studies
or ENGL 3980W Queer Studies
HIST 3101Topics: Europe
PHIL 2125Philosophy of Race and Gender
or PHIL 2125W Philosophy of Race and Gender
PSC 2225Women and Politics
PSYC 2550Psychology of Sex and Gender
PUBH 6550Maternal and Child Health I
SPAN 3570Women Writers of Spain and Latin America
SOC 2175Sociology of Sex and Gender
WGSS 1020Methodological Approaches to Women's, Queer, and Trans History
or HIST 1020 Methodological Approaches to Women's, Queer, and Trans History
WGSS 2135A Study of Women and Media
WGSS 2121The Anthropology of Gender: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
or ANTH 2501 The Anthropology of Gender: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
WGSS 2380Sexuality in U.S. History
or AMST 2380 Sexuality in U.S. History
or HIST 2380 Sexuality in U.S. History
WGSS 2385Sex and Citizenship
or AMST 2385W Sex and Citizenship
WGSS 3136Chinese Women in Myth, Literature, and Film
or WGSS 3136W Chinese Women in Myth, Literature, and Film
or CHIN 3136W Chinese Women in Myth, Literature, and Film
WGSS 3352U.S. Women's History to 1865
or WGSS 3352W U.S. Women's History to 1865
or AMST 3352 U.S. Women's History to 1865
or HIST 3352 U.S. Women's History to 1865
or HIST 3352W U.S. Women's History to 1865
WGSS 3353U.S. Women's History II
or AMST 3353 U.S. Women's History II
WGSS 3362African American Women's History
or WGSS 3362W African American Women's History
or AMST 3362 African American Women's History
or AMST 3362W African American Women's History
or HIST 3362 African American Women’s History
or HIST 3362W African American Women’s History
WGSS 3410Lesbian History and Culture
WGSS 3435Queer Politics
WGSS 3470Sexuality and the Law
WGSS 3481Women in Islam
or REL 3481 Women in Islam
WGSS 3530Women in Africa
or HIST 3530 Women in Africa
WGSS 3820Global Domestic Labor
WGSS 3845Global Women's Prison
WGSS 3881Women, Gender, and Religion in China
or EALL 3881 Women, Gender, and Religion in China
or REL 3881 Women, Gender, and Religion in China
WGSS 3981Women in Western Religion
or REL 2981 Women and Religion
WGSS 4183Practicum in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

LGBT and Sexuality Studies Minor Course Requirements

The following requirement must be fulfilled: 18 credits in elective courses.

At least two courses (6 credits) from the following:
WGSS 2120Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
or WGSS 2120W Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 2380Sexuality in U.S. History
or AMST 2380 Sexuality in U.S. History
or HIST 2380 Sexuality in U.S. History
ENGL 3830Topics in Literary Theory and Cultural Studies
or ENGL 3830W Topics in Literary Theory and Cultural Studies
ENGL 3980Queer Studies
or ENGL 3980W Queer Studies
Four additional courses (12 credits) chosen from the courses listed above or from the following:
ENGL 3840Gender and Literature
or ENGL 3840W Gender and Literature
PHIL 2125Philosophy of Race and Gender
or PHIL 2125W Philosophy of Race and Gender
PSYC 2550Psychology of Sex and Gender
SOC 2175Sociology of Sex and Gender *
WSTU 2121
or ANTH 2501 The Anthropology of Gender: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
WGSS 3410Lesbian History and Culture
WGSS 3435Queer Politics
WGSS 3470Sexuality and the Law

*Course requires prerequisites or permission of instructor.

Note: No more than two courses (6 credits) may count towards a student's major and the LGBT and sexuality studies minor.