Micro-Minor in Immigration & Migration Studies
The Immigration and Migration Studies Micro-Minor bridges courses in the humanities and social sciences to provide students an in-depth understanding of modern migration. The issues surrounding global migration cross many intellectual boundaries, and course material draws on other Columbian College departments including Geography, History, American Studies, English and more.
After completing the micro-minor, students will understand global migration from an interdisciplinary perspective and be able to explain the effects and key issues of modern-day migration.
How to Apply
Students interested in registering for the micro-minor should contact Candace Sumner-Robinson, the director of CCAS advising, and complete a Declaration of Major/Minor/Micro-Minor form. Students in the micro-minor should declare as soon as they are interested, but no later than by the first semester of their senior year so that they can be included in the spring semester symposium. Contact Professor Tom Guglielmo if you have completed the requirements for the micro-minor, or with any questions about graduation.
Curriculum Details
Course Requirements
Students choose one class from three areas that span conceptual, historical and cultural knowledge:
- Approaches to immigration and global migration
- Migration and immigration cultures
- U.S. immigration experiences and narratives
Academic Outcomes
Learn Causes of Migration: Students will acquire a comparative and theoretical understanding of the social, environmental, cultural, historical and political dimensions of various types of migration.
Conceptualize Migration: Students will practice using different methodologies to conceptualize migration and mobility, from everyday practices to regional systems to global networks and flows.
Recognize Issues of Migration: Students will be able to recognize debates around migration and mobility as it relates to governance, sovereignty, citizenship, borders and social justice.
Senior Symposium

Each spring, senior students in the micro-minor will present on a research paper they wrote or make a creative research presentation on immigration and migration studies.
Faculty and area experts serve as moderators and respondents at the symposium. All other students in the micro-minor are invited to participate and attend. The symposium offers students experience doing research presentations that analyze pressing issues in immigration and world migration, and that propose bold solutions spanning culture, policy and practice.
Faculty Cohort
Faculty members from across several Columbian College departments teach courses in the micro-minor.

Associate Dean of Academic Innovation; Professor of English and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Policy & Public Administration