Dr. Eiko Strader

Dr. Eiko Strader
Associate Professor of Public Policy, WGSS and Sociology; Director of Graduate Studies for the MA in Public Policy-WGSS
Core Faculty
Eiko Strader is an interdisciplinary scholar with a deep interest in the role of welfare state policies and practices in shaping social inequality, particularly in relation to gender. Her scholarship examines how work-family policies and public organizations reduce, maintain, or exacerbate social stratification. Another line of her research interrogates the notion of social citizenship, the right to modicum of economic welfare and security, by probing whether and how marginalized people access social services. Professor Strader's research is guided by one overarching question: how can we build a more equitable society?
Professor Strader's research and training are grounded in sociological and feminist theories. She actively collaborates with a diverse group of scholar, practitioners, and students to critically examine the interplay between public policies, practices, and social inequality. Her work also emphasizes the potential of welfare state institutions to foster social equity.
She holds a joint appointment in the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration and the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program. Professor Strader earned a doctorate in Sociology from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. She was a Pardee RAND Faculty Leader Fellow, a winner of the 2018 Council of Graduate Schools ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in the field of social sciences, and a visiting fellow at Smith College's Kahn Liberal Arts Institute.
Editorial Board Member, Public Administration Review, 2022~
Advisory Board Member, Consortium of Race and Gender Scholars, 2021~
Award for Excellence in Graduate Faculty Mentoring, Columbian College of Arts & Sciences, 2020
Advisory Board Member, Institute for Intersectionality Equity Research and Policy, 2019~
Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Teaching Award, The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, 2019
ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards in Social Sciences, Council of Graduate Schools, 2018
Columbian College Facilitating Fund (CCFF), 2018
Secretary for the Early Career Network Special Interest Group, Work Family Researchers Network, 2018~
Visiting research fellow at the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute, Smith College, 2012
Phi Kappa Phi, 2008
Welfare States
PPPA 6006: Policy Analysis
PPPA 8197: US Social Policy
WGSS 2145: Space, Place & Gender Identity
WGSS 6240/PPPA 6085: Gender & Public Policy
WGSS 6265/SOC 6265: Gender, Welfare & Poverty
WGSS 6299: Capstone Research
2024 Strader, Eiko. “Using Multilevel Models to Address Intersectionality in Program Evaluation.” Pp.460-474 in Research Handbook on Program Evaluation, edited by Kathryn E. Newcomer and Steven W. Mumford. Edward Elgar Publishing.
2023 Strader, Eiko, and Jae Yu. “Immigrants and Non-Citizens in the US Military.” Pp.125-145 in Inclusion in the American Military: A Force for Diversity, 2nd Ed., Edited by Morten G. Ender, Ryan Kelty, David E. Rohall, and Michael D. Matthews. Lexington Books.
2023 Strader, Eiko, Vernicia Griffie, Patrick Irelan, Leslie Kwan, Emma Northcott, and Sanjay Pandey. “Race in Representative Bureaucracy Theory: A Problematizing Review.” Public Administration Review. 83(6): 1687-1703.
2022 Strader, Eiko. “Demographics of Transgender People and Healthcare Policies across the European Union.” Pp. 211-237 in International Handbook of the Demography of Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Minority Populations, edited by Amanda Baumle and Sonny Nordmarken. Springer Press.
2022 Strader, Eiko. “State Work-Family Contexts and the Wage Gap by Gender and Parenthood.” Family Relations. 71(4): 1713-1730.
2022 Strader, Eiko and Margaret Smith. “Some Parents Survive and Some Don’t: The Army and the Family as ‘Greedy Institutions.’” Public Administration Review. 82(3): 446-458.
2021 Strader, Eiko, Jennifer Lundquist and Rodrigo Dominguez-Villegas. “Warriors Wanted: The Performance of Immigrants in the US Army.” International Migration Review. 55(2): 382-401.
2020 Strader, Eiko and Miranda Hines. “Will You Die for Your Country? Workplace Death in an Era of Mass Incarceration.” Sociological Forum. 35(4): 1206-1227.
2018 Lundquist, Jennifer, Devah Pager, and Eiko Strader. “Does a Criminal Past Predict Worker Performance? Evidence from America’s Largest Employer.” Social Forces. 96(1): 1039-1068.
2018 Strader, Eiko, and Joya Misra. “Poverty and Income Inequality.” Pp. 385-408 in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems, edited by A. Javier Treviño. Cambridge University Press.
2016 Moller, Stephanie, Joya Misra, Elizabeth Wemlinger, and Eiko Strader. “Policy Interventions and Relative Incomes of Families with children by Family Structure and Parental Education.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. 2: 1-28.
2015 Strader, Eiko, and Joya Misra. “Anti-Poverty Policies and the Structure of Inequality.” Pp. 259-267 in Routledge Handbook on Poverty in the United States, edited by Stephen Haymes, Maria Vidal de Haymes, and Reuben Miller. Routledge.
2013 Misra, Joya, and Eiko Strader. “Gender Pay Equity in Advanced Countries: The Role of Parenthood and Policies.” Journal of International Affairs. 67(1): 27-41.
2013 Moller, Stephanie, Joya Misra, and Eiko Strader. “A Cross-National Look at How Welfare States Impact Inequality.” Sociology Compass. 7(2): 135-146.
2012 Misra, Joya, Stephanie Moller, Eiko Strader, and Elizabeth Wemlinger. “Family Policies, Employment and Poverty Among Partnered and Single Mothers.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 30(1): 113-128.
PhD, Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2017
BS, Sociology, Boise State University (Magna Cum Laude), 2008
She, Her, Hers