Careers Advancing Gender Equity

On April 17, 2024, WGSS, along with GWI and GEIA, hosted "Careers Advancing Gender Equity." WGSS Director Prof. Tambe moderated this panel featuring Natasha Dupee (WGSS alum '12 and Executive Director of the DC Mayor's Office on Women's Policy and Initiatives), Leora Ward (Gender Emergencies Director, CARE), Manuel Contreras-Urbina (Global Lead on Gender-Based Violence, World Bank). The speakers offered guidance for students and early-career professionals on how to add valuable work experience in addition to their training, and how to apply for positions in state and local govt organizations, humanitarian and development organizations. A networking reception with light refreshments followed when students mingled with them as well as other off-campus guests who had gathered.
If you missed this event, check out the video recording!
Special thanks to co-sponsors: the Global Women's Institute (GWI), Gender Equality Initiative in International Affairs (GEIA), and the Student Consortium on Women, Peace and Security.